Map Libraries and Resources
The following pages are for paid up Members only and contain detailed information about certain types of maps, including identification codes and tables showing years and states for which certain maps were issued.
This contains a separate page for each US state or Canadian Province, listing all known issues, including variations and map codes. To report a map that has not been cataloged or to update the Official Maps Master List, just send an e-mail to Mark Greaves.
Petromaps Catalog
Containing more detailed information than the US and Canadian Oil Company Lists (below), this section of the Members’ website seeks to list all known issues by brand, section and year, identifying the cartographer for each map. Currently it is restricted to North American issues (including Mexico). It has now been fully updated from the original paper catalog, incorporating several thousand additional maps discovered over the last 20 years and runs to 34 extensive pages, broken down by major brand or alphabetically for smaller names.
ACSC Map Codes
Developed by Brian Hatcher and Curtis Carrol, the list has been substantially updated by Frank Aros.
American Oil Companies
Comprehensive lists that can be downloaded in PDF format showing all American Oil Companies. This includes first and last known years of issue for all companies and, in most case, a brief note about it.
Auto Clubs that Issued Maps
A list of auto clubs for which I have maps and for which I consider the club to be the primary issuer of the map.
Canadian Oil Companies
Comprehensive lists that can be downloaded in PDF format showing all Canadian Petroleum Companies. This includes first and last known years of issue for all companies and, in most case, a brief note about it.
Dating Rand McNally and Gousha Maps
A table that displaying codes for two main map producers, Rand McNally and H.M. Gousha.
ENCO Road Maps
The Standard Oil Company of New Jersey (Esso) consolidated all domestic marketing under its subsidiary, Humble Oil and Refining Co., in 1959.
General Drafting maps produced for other companies not Std. of NJ
Lists produced by and obtained from General Drafting prior to their closing.
General Drafting maps produced for Std. of NJ (Esso)
A table that displaying codes for two main map producers, Rand McNally and H.M. Gousha.
General Drafting Touring Service history and data
A table that displaying codes for two main map producers, Rand McNally and H.M. Gousha.
Libraries with Map Collections
United States libraries that have extensive holdings of road maps.
Locations on Oil & Non-Oil Road Maps and Cruising Guides
Tom Sveum’s article on maps that provide additional information, including locations of service stations and other facilities.
Maps of the Regal Map Co.
The Regal Map Co. was started in San Jose in 1949 by George L Andrews and Kenneth A. Stokesberry, both recently discharged from the Army.
Maps of the Western Map Co.
Frank Holm started Western Map Co. about 1961 in Glendale, publishing maps until about 1972 after which the company was sold, possibly multiple times.
Master List of Automobile Club of Southern California
Listing of road maps issued by the Automobile Club of Southern California (ACSC)
Midwest Map Co. Generic Maps
MidWest Map Co. (Generic and Streamline) covers, who used them and when