If you collect road maps, or are just curious about them, don’t miss the 2012 RMCA Map Expo!! At the RMCA Map Expo, you will find thousands of collectable road maps. In fact, the RMCA Map Expo is well known for having the most collectable road maps assembled in once place anywhere in the WORLD!
The Map Expo happens only once a year–and it’s happening soon! This year’s Map Expo will take place from Thursday June 21 to Saturday June 23, 2012. We have a full slate of activities planned. See the Expo registration tab for more details.
The show is being held at the Embassy Suites in Dublin, OH. Located on the I-270 freeway in the Columbus, OH metropolitan area, Dublin is easily accessible by car or by air. The rooms are quite spacious, ideal for room to room map trading. The hotel has a delicious complimentary hot buffet breakfast, as well as a free (and very popular) mid-afternoon happy hour each day.
As a bonus for attendees, this year’s Map Expo is being held in conjunction with the “Check the Oil” gas and oil history show, one of the largest shows of its type anywhere. One admission covers both shows!
The Expo date is coming up very soon, and there is simply no better place to find collectable road maps! Therefore, we hope that you will join us. Last year the hotel sold out, so don’t delay–make your reservations now!!